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Harmonium Hero John Kelly (Harmonium Hero) - all OK? (46) RE: John Kelly (Harmonium Hero) - all OK? 02 Mar 15

Thanks for all the comments and support. This is what's made me persist with this for as long as I have. - plenty of others have lost the will.
Hi Mary. How's things 'Dahnander'?
Al: No, No! ees Hamster Mister Fawlty!
Dave: thanks for the link.

Bryan: I'm not complaining about the clubs - like yours - who have booked me, in some cases repeatedly (I've just been offered a return date at a club I've done five times before, for instance, and my last date - last May - was at a club which I've done about ten times). The problem is the ones that just aren't interested. I sing Folk Songs, which is what Folk Clubs used to be about; in fact a lot of them used to be called Folk Song Clubs. It was about the SONGS, not 'personalities' or stand-up comedy or awards. I respect and believe in the songs, ang try to do them the bast way I can. I know from the comments I've had in person and on Mudcat and elsewhere, that people like what I'm doing. I've gone out of my way to do promo spots in clubs so that organisers can see what I do at first hand and unenhanced by technology, and can see how their club reacts. Can I do fairer than that? I think it's the best way, and some club hosts have said so too. A lot of other people won't do that. I've lost money doing it. And my experiences overall (it varies from region to region) are that two thirds of club organisers are simply not interested. What do they want? That was the reason for my comment about asking them why I don't get booked. Perhaps they just think I'm a crap folk singer. Fair enough, but experience tells me that others don't agree; otherwise I'd have given up, as other singers have done. Incidentally, I don't think the Folk Clubs owe me a living. They don't owe anybody else a living, for that mater.
I was driven out of this once before by disillusionment and frustration, and I have been determined not to let that happen this time. But I can't afford it any more.

Still trying to carry on somehow, and singing to myself - 'cos I like the stuff I sing.
John Kelly.

By the way, any offers re: potential harpist or cellist mentioned in my previous post?

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