Re: Guest about 8 posts back who's booking me next January/February, and hesitating to use Mudcat to publicise the club: don't worry - we all do it. We know no shame! It's the Bollington Folk Club. It's the club I mentioned in an earlier post where I've performed five times before. (the club, that is, not the post...). Looking forward to it - as always. As Pete says, two years is about as often as most clubs can re-book these days. Gone are the days when you could get five dates in two years at some clubs. Which is why you need a fair number of clubs to book you. Trouble is, with the number of clubs there are at present, a success rate of one in three isn't great. As I said before, the folk scene doesn't owe any of us a living, but we need more clubs. The clubs used to be run mostly by singers. I think more of us should be doing it now. I'm interested in doing it, nut don't want to go it alone, for a couple of reasons. I've asked others about it, and no-one wants to do it. So - money/mouth, mouth/money: are there any singers in the North west (of England, that is!) who are interested in helping to run a folk club along 'traditional' club lines? That is, proper resident(s), floor spots, regular guests, and not just established names. I would hope to be able to give somebody their first date once in a not-too-long while. Regarding my website: I do bring it up to date with bookings and dance-outs. Obviously, I remove the details once the dates have passed. The dance season is about to kick off, so there will be some details of dance events up there soon. But there aren't any singing dates lined up at present. There is one in the pipeline, as already mentioned. I'll be putting the details on the site nearer the time. But I can't invent bookings to make me sound busy. I could, but the danger would be that people would turn up, and I would be exposed as a lying bastard, and a desperate one at that. I suppose I could invent a world tour, but I'd have to stay in the house while it was supposed to be happening. As far as PayPal is concerned, I have a problem with them at present. I'll have to see how that pans out. Dave: thanks for putting the clip up. That's one of my favourite songs to sing at present. And I found it on Mudcat! John Kelly.