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GUEST,Organisers ADD: Home lads Home/Homeward (Cicely Fox Smith) (27) RE: Lyr Add: Home lads Home/Homeward 20 Apr 15

Sarah Morgan sadly died in September 2013; she had expected to perform 'Home, Lads, Home' at the commemorative concert for the Celebrating Cicely event on 21 June 2014 (see As a tribute to both CFS and Sarah, Moira Craig (Craig Morgan Robson) led it as the concert finale. Standing ovation and not a dry eye. Sarah's explanation of the 'folk process' on the CFS poem 'Homeward', ref Danny McLeod above, is also given in the Celebrating Cicely booklet. The double CD, recording all the CFS pieces performed in the concert is about to be released, see website soon.

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