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GUEST,Busker Joe Genuine Cowboy Songs (35) RE: Genuine Cowboy Songs 04 May 15

"The Hills (or Trail) of (to) Mexico" is a cowboy version of The Buffalo Skinners, sharing many verses. Don Edwards' Saddle Songs and his CDs in general, tho' he's more of a continuation of the troubadour tradition than a musical archaeologist. and the line between the poetry & songs is almost arbitrary (Sierry Petes (Tyin’ Knots in the Devil’s Tail); Windy Bill; The High-Tone Dance .... these are later additions to the canon, but make my point. they show up as either spoken or sung, depending on the situation. and the Mexican vaqueros were no slouches for composing ballads/corridos: El Corrido de Kianses, a.k.a Los Quinientos Novillos, tells of the hardships of driving the herd north to Kansas, favorably compares the Mexican drivers' skills with their americano counterparts, and the tragic death of one of the young cowboys, gored by a steer, and the trail boss's having to break the news to his mother on their return.

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