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Gutcher Origins: Barbara Allen (246* d) RE: Origins: Barbara Allen 25 Jun 15

Sorry OT again.

No progress as yet with the quest for the date of the burning of Auchruglen Castle in the 14th. C. by the Kennedys of Bargany.

In 1527 the Kennedy Earl of Cassilies was killed at Prestwick by the Campbells of Loudon. The extensive lands of the Campbells of Loudon were ravaged by the Cassilies branch of the Kennedys for many years after this event up to and including the first Castle of Loudon with the historian of the times pointing out that the said Castle was never burnt thus confirming that he must have had knowledge of the burning of a previous Castle occupied by the Loudon family or why the mention of burning.

Success with the finding of a ballad which confirms an Ayrshire connection with the ballad "Captain Carr".

]V10] I would give the black she says
       And so would I the brown
       For a drink of yon water
       That runs by Galston Town

[V17] O pity on yon fair Castle
       That"s built of stane and lime
       But far mair pity on Lady Loudon
       And all her children nine.

[V10] Auchruglen lay about a third of a mile East of Galston, the    latter being on the banks of the river Irvine with Auchruglen being    slightly away from the edge of the river.

[v17] In their own lands no matter what titles they had the landowner was always referred to as the Laird and his wife as the Lady.

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