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GUEST,surreysinger sans cookie Shirley Collins - 80th Concert (48) RE: Shirley Collins - 80th Concert 07 Jul 15

Guest CJB - if you had wanted to see Shirley, then her discussion with Stewart Lee in the afternoon was what you should have booked for .... I was expecting just an hour - but instead it was more like 2, with plenty of recorded musical illustrations, but also, as Vic said, Shirley sang two songs at the end. It was good to hear. (The afternoon was only spoiled for me by some idiot towards the back of the hall who seemed to think there was no problem in continually checking his texts and emails. The bright shining screen of his mobile was a continual distraction as it was switched on and off. Couldn't help but wonder where the ushers were to enforce the mobiles ban!)

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