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GUEST,Allan Conn BS: Long live the Queen (87* d) RE: BS: Long live the Queen 06 Sep 15

Some of the polls though do pour doubt on the idea of the automatic hereditary principle. For instance yes the most recent Survation poll suggested 71% would retain the monarchy but the idea that Charles himself should be the next monarch was supported by only 41%. So when something seems to rely on the popularity of individuals then it is on shakier ground than might first appear. Yes the monarchy is popular just now because we have a popular monarch who most of us have grown up with and there have been various big celebrations, marriages and births recently to warm the cockles so to speak. An unpopular monarch (ie Charles) and any potential negative stories amongst the younger members could potentially change things a bit as I suspect much of the support for the monarchy is quite soft. More a why bother changing things rather than real hard line monarchists

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