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GUEST,Allan Conn BS: Umpqua: the gun was innocent... (210* d) RE: BS: Umpqua: the gun was innocent... 02 Oct 15

According to wiki the homicide rate per 100,000 people is 1 in the UK and a massive 4.7 in the USA. If these stats are correct you are almost 5 times as likely to be killed in the US than you are in the UK. Both developed western economies. It is clear that if these figures are anywhere near correct the US gvt has badly failed to protect its citizens. Scotland's stats are generally worse than the UK as a whole with knife crime being a particular long standing problem in parts of Scotland but it looks like heaven on earth compared with the US stats. A story last week in the press stated that 2014 saw the lowest number of murders in 40 years with 61 over the year. So that works out at 1.15 per 100,000. It just seems plain nuts that the US allows this annual slaughter of its citizens to go on.

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