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GUEST,emily b Help: CD storage (25) RE: Help: CD storage 18 Jan 01

The Container Store (and possibly others) has a wire holder that hangs over a door. Each one holds about 100 cd's and they have extenders that will attach another whole rack. I've hung mine on the inside of my closet so it's out of sight but reading through this just made me realize, when the time comes, I can hang one on the outside also. I'm not sure if a 3rd could be attached or not. There may not be enough room. They cost about $12 a piece.

Is anybody out there inventorying their cd's? I've started a spreadsheet listing all the tunes/songs on each album. This is tedious but hopefully will pay off when I am trying to find a tune among my collection. There's also the issue of what order to store them in. Alphabetical? By type of music? Numbered by order of purchase cross-referenced in a spreadsheet? Do we have time to do any of the above? Usually not.

Good luck!


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