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GUEST,Lucy Brennan Origins: Foggy Dew (Irish) (31) RE: Origins: Foggy Dew 16 Mar 16

I know of two musical versions of The Foggy Dew and three sets of lyrics. There's The Foggy Dew that's quoted all the time recently that goes "As down the glen one Easter morn to a city fair rode I , , , " and so on. Then there are other lyrics to this song which may come from a book called "Songs of the Gael" which is mostly a collecion made by Petrie. I only remember the first verse of this. It's mood is totally different - it goes:"The wisest soul by anguish torn will soon unlearn the lore it knew. And when the shining casket's worn, the gem within will tarnish too. But love's an essence of the soul, which sinks not with this chain of clay, which strives beyond the chill control of withering fear and pale decay."
The other version of The Foggy Dew is an entirely different air and I only know one set of lyrics which start: " I am an oul bachelor I live with my son, we work at the weaver's trade and the only, only thing I did that was wrong was to woo a fair young maid. I wooed her in the winter time and in the summer too, but the only, only thing I did that was wrong was to keep her from the foggy, foggy dew. . . . "
Hope this helps someone.

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