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GUEST,Lucy Brennan Origins: Foggy Dew (Irish) (31) RE: Origins: Foggy Dew 17 Mar 16

Hi Martin,

The Songs of the Gael I'm thinking about are two small yellow hard-bound volumes. It's years since I had them in my hands and I can't be sure that's where I got the words for this song. And I don't even know that they'd be under the Foggy Dew title but the tune is as I said. The books I'm talking about include such songs as "Dumb, Dumb, Dumb" - "and the pretty little maid she was dumb, dumb, dumb. And the pretty little maid she was dumb." Another one it had was "The West's Awake" - "As all beside a vigil keep, the West's asleep the West's asleep. Oh long and well may Erin weep while Connacht lies in slumber deep. . . .But then a voice like thunder spake: The West's awake! The West's awake"! . . .   And so at last shall England quake: the West's awake, The West's awake." And I know there is part of it that goes ". . . shines fair and free, with thought of Ireland's liberty . . . . with lashing wind and crashing sea.' If I can remember more of it I'll let you know. I'm pretty sure Galway comes into it somewhere. That's the best I can do at the moment. Lucy

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