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GUEST,FloraG Playing dances and calling. (10) RE: Playing dances and calling. 07 Apr 16

When I play for a dance I play more ' thumpilly' than I would normally - a good musical term. Especially heavy on the first note of each new movement but very rhythmic playing.

Have some agreed signal between you and the caller - speed up; slow down;last time. Sit behind the caller.

If you are doing it for the first time I would suggest a complete A section for the introduction. ( remember then to do the A and its repeat)

Ideally Pick tunes you know really well so you can play without the dots and watch the dancers. For example I call a tune to redwing. Its forward forward clap clap clap back back stamp stamp stamp
so I play the music one and two and thump thump thump and five and six and thump thump thump.

Enjoy the evening.

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