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GUEST,Philippa Lyr Add: Suantraidhe (Seoithin Seotho) (10) RE: Lyr Add: Suantraidhe (Seoithin Seotho) 07 Jun 16

also goltraí - a sad song, a lament and geantraí - a lively song, a happy song

Peg Clancy Power
maybe I'm mistaken, I dont see the song listed on this discography

Seothín seo ho My wonderful treasure
My share of this world, My sleep smiling boy
How fond my delight How great is my pleasure,
To cradle you so is my greatest of joy

A leanbh, a chroí, sleep on without fear
God does not grudge me my fortune I know
For he'd not want to his angels rejoicing
While I'd weep in sorrow, Seothín seothín seo

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