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GUEST,Gibb Sahib A Little-Known Shanty Collection (42) RE: A Little-Known Shanty Collection 28 Jul 16

Thanks, Harry Rivers, for the link to the digitized version (which I also stumbled upon recently). (As you may gather, it was not posted to until 2 years after this thread was begun.)

In a manuscript I'm working on, I've summarized Buryeson and his article:

Another writer in this vein was Swedish-American Fred Buryeson, whose article "Sea Shanties" (note the phrase) was published in a San Francisco seamen's magazine in the same year [1909]. Buryeson had sailed for over thirty years under flags of many nations. The article, which included extended lyrics to twenty-two chanties, _also_ stated that chanties had then gone out of use. Buryeson's chanty texts may date from as early as 1872, when he first sailed in the American ship _Ivanhoe_.

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