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GUEST,In good company Soldiers songs calling officers (64* d) RE: Soldiers songs calling officers 04 Oct 16

Thread premise as in the OP

examples of songs sung by soldiers that are dismissive of their leaders.

From the above post

Nobody seems to be able to find any of this supposed plethora of songs about soldiers criticising poor leadership

Little wonder wars begin...

Nowhere in this thread has it been suggested that there are a 'plethora of songs critisising poor leadership'. We are just looking for examples of songs that are dismissive of leaders. Such as suggesting that when there is fighting to be done the General is in the Folies Bergare etc.

Another just came to me as I typed that. Conan Doyle if I remember rightly. Yes. it is :-) Just looked it up

For the Colonel rides before,
The Major's on the flank,
The Captains and the Adjutant
Are in the foremost rank.
But when it's 'Action front!'
And fighting's to be done,
Come one, come all, you stand or fall
By the man who holds the gun.

Pretty dismissive of the upper echelons in my view. The premise of the song, for those unaware, is that during a parade the above occurs. But when there is work to be done, the lad who carries the gun does it.

Ballad of the ranks


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