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Gutcher Lost Songs of St Kilda (34) RE: Lost Songs of St Kilda 11 Feb 17

Do the following two verses appear in any of the lost songs mentioned above?

From a St.Kilda song--to the tune The St.Kilda Wedding.

"Is truach nach robh mis"s giullachan
Air mullach Cleit Gadaig
Acuim air a sunnaradh
Us mise bhi gu h-aird oirr"

Song, words and music by Marion Gillies, St. Kilda.

"Gu rubh Ian MacGilliosa
Uair us usirigin a liobh rium
Ach o"n thain an t-iarl a Isl
Sguiridh e dha bhriodal beoil"

Both songs pre mid 19th. C.

The third line of the second song, with my complete lack of gaelic,
would appear to me to be referring to a Thane or Earl of Islay. Isl being that given for Islay in old charters.

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