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GUEST,Andy John Kirkpatrick at Kiveton FC. (15) John Kirkpatrick at Kiveton FC. 22 Apr 17

Kiveton Park Folk Club will be host to John Kirkpatrick as guest next Tuesday 25th April. One of our firm favourites, John is a veteran of the folk scene, a renowned performer, as a soloist and with many notable bands over a great number of years. Exquisitely skilled on accordion, melodeon and concertina, Johns expertise has led to him being recognised as one of the country's foremost folk musicians. His playing and singing are a delight to experience and have led to enviable reviews throughout his career. So, for a great evening of mainly traditional music and song from the 'squeezer geezer' get down to Kiveton next Tuesday, you'll not be disappointed. Check with Andy first so we can reserve a seat for you. (0114 2879592)



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