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GUEST,Andy John Kirkpatrick at Kiveton FC. (15) RE: John Kirkpatrick at Kiveton FC. 24 Apr 17

Apologies to some people who are put about by the lack of geographic precision regarding the location of Kiveton Park Folk Club. So for future reference the address is, Kiveton Park Colliery Cricket Club, Stone Close, Kiveton, Sheffield, South Yorks. S26 6SQ. The Website address has already been given in a previous post above. Hope that satisfies everyone. I will try to remember to put a link on future posts.

Regarding the John Kirkpatrick evening, Tuesday 25th April, doors open at 8:00, kick-off at approx.8:30. Admission will be £7. There will be free tea and coffee for non-imbibers and free food in the break. Hope that is enough info for anyone intending to be present. All welcome.



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