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GUEST,Andy Alice Jones at Kiveton FC, Sheffield (1) Alice Jones at Kiveton FC, Sheffield 03 Jun 17

For the benefit of Sheffield/South Yorkshire folkies and anyone within reasonable striking distance, Alice Jones will be our guest at Kiveton Park Folk club this coming Tuesday 6th June. Alice is a singer, dancer and multi-instrumentalist with a background rooted in English traditional music. She accompanies herself expertly on piano and harmonium and engages easily with her audience through her genuine warmth and love of her material, inviting refrains and choruses aplenty. Alice is certainly a first class performer who has been developing an enviable reputation on the club, concert and festival scene these last few years. Come and see Alice at Kiveton on Tuesday evening. All welcome. Free tea and coffee for the non-imbibers. Cheap bar and free grub in the break. Admission £6 non-members. Don't miss it!


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