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GUEST,radriano ADD: Sweet Kingwilliamstown (Daniel Buckley)^^^ (39) RE: ADD: Sweet Kingwilliamstown (Daniel Buckley)^^^ 19 Jul 17

A lovely song indeed. I had the privilege of hearing it sung live by Gabriel McArtle at the Singing Workshop at Willie Clancy Festival, Ireland, 1984.

The workshop was a lovely affair. There was an hour's lecture each day and then traditional singers who were attending the festival were brought in to sing for us.

Transcribed from the cassette tape I made at the time, Gabriel McArtle sings:

Sweet Kingwilliamstown
[Singing Workshop at Willie Clancy Festival, Ireland, 1984]
Gabriel McArtle

My bonny barque floats light and free
Across the surging foam
It takes me far from Innisfail
To seek a foreign home
A lonely exile driven 'neath
Misfortune's cruel frown
Far from my home and friends so dear
In sweet Kingwilliamstown

Whilst here alone on deck I stand
And watch the surging foam
Kind thoughts arise all in my heart
Of friends I'll ne'er see more
Of happy hours and childhood days
How fast the tears roll down
To thinking of my own dear home
In sweet Kingwilliamstown

Shall I no more gaze on that shore
Or view those mountains high
Or stroll along Blackwater Side
Where I roamed as a boy
Or view the sun o'er Knockacummer
Fall o'er the heather brown (light up the heather brown)
Before she flings her farewell beams
On sweet Kingwilliamstown

I know not but I fondly hope
Where'er my footsteps fall
Will always linger in my heart
Sweet thoughts of friends at home
So fare thee well, Sweet Desmond Town
As the night comes softly down
Oh, God be with you, Ireland
And sweet Kingwilliamstown

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