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GUEST,Jimmy Lyr Req: Lady Kilmarnock (7) RE: Lyr Req: Lady Kilmarnock 22 Nov 17

William Boyd, 4th Earl of Kilmarnock was executed on 18 August 1746 for his part in Bonnie Charlie's failed uprising. On his way to the gallow his son who fought for the crown. Stepped forward and offered his hat to his bareheaded father. They embraced and Lord Kilmarnock continued to Tower Hill.

Lord Kilmarnock left this note for a friend in Edinburgh.
: "Beside my personal debts mentioned in general and particular in the State, there is one for which I am liable in justice, if it is not paid, owing to poor people who gave their work for it by my orders. It was at Elgin in Murray, the Regiment I commanded wanted shoes. I commissioned something about seventy pair of shoes and brogues, which might come to 3 shillngs or three shillings and sixpence each, one with the other. The magistrates divided them among the shoemakers of the town and country, and each shoemaker furnished his proportion. I drew on the town, for the price, out of the composition laid on them, but I was afterwards told at Inverness that, it was believed, the composition was otherwise applied, and the poor shoemakers not paid. As these poor people wrought by my orders, it will be a great ease to my heart to think they are not to lose by me, as too many have done in the course of that year, but had I lived I might have made some inquiry after: but now it is impossible, as their hardships in loss of horses and such things, which happeened through my soldiers, are so interwoven with what was done by other people, that it would be very hard, if not impossible, to separate them. If you'll write to Mr Innes of Dalkinty at Elgin (with whom I was quartered when I lay there), he will send you an account of the shoes, and if they were paid to the shoemakers or no; and if they are not, I beg you'll get my wife, or my successors to pay them when they can......"
On his coffin was a plate with the inscription,
Comes de Kilmarnock
Decollatus 18? die Augusti 1746.
?tatis su? 42?.

In Kilmarnock's Howard Park to this day an area called "The Lady's Walk."   Edgar Allen Poe walked along "The Lady's Walk." some 64 years after.

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