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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Andy7 Your worst blunder? (25) Your worst blunder? 28 Feb 18

As a newcomer to the folk scene, many years back, I unwisely decided, during my very first visit to the local club, to attempt a rather difficult, unaccompanied, 2-verse ballad.

Having sung in choirs for some time, I assumed that singing was a transferrable skill. I was wrong!

The first verse was more or less okay. But after several tries, I just couldn't find the starting note for the second verse! So I had to leave it there.

The club members were very supportive ... they wanted to be welcoming to a newbie who'd had a go ... but at the time, I felt that I'd never dare to go near a folk club again!

Several years later, I sang that same song at the same club, managed to find the starting note for the second verse (it still wasn't easy!), and completed the song.

Nobody there would have remembered my first failed attempt, nor could have known just how many times I'd recently practised the song at home, just to make sure I did get it right at the second attempt ... but it did give me a little satisfaction to have done so!

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