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GUEST,Richard Wheatley Lonnie Donegan's guitarists (65* d) RE: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists 20 Mar 18

Greetings to all from Suffolk.Mr Rettig's first post about LD's guitarists is spot on.I agree that Denny was the best.Certainly Jimmy Currie did not detract in any way at all from the groups performance and I felt a sense of dismay when he left.Jimmy played with so much feeling too.Les Bennetts never did any thing for me, and as Mr Rettig points out,he in some way diminished the groups overall performance.I did not like his sound either, which was rather 'thin'.
I had the good fortune to see Denny with LD in 1957 and later with Johnny Duncan.He played a great solo on 'Last Train To San Fernando'.I last saw Denny playing with Grapelli in Bangor North wales in 1974.
I saw Jimmy playing with Crombie's Rockets in early 1957 and again with a trio called the Wise Guys in 1959 at the De Montfort Hall,Leicester.Jimmy played Guitar Boogie.Top of the bill on the show was Cliff Richard and the Drifters which really dates me!

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