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GUEST,Roger Rettig Lonnie Donegan's guitarists (65* d) RE: Lonnie Donegan's guitarists 21 Mar 18

How odd to see this thread resurrected - it's over ten years old!

Sadly, my only personal contact with Denny Wright was when I met him at Lonnie's 'This Is Your Life' in the early '90s. He was very kind and suffered through my questions very stoically, I thought.

I see no reason to back-pedal on my original remarks. When Les took over the guitar chair for Donegan in '59 (?) I almost felt that I could have done better! I now realise that that was preposterous and, in some ways, he was a seasoned 'pro' who suited the gig. After all, there weren't many choices in London back then. We should remembe, too, that around that time Lonnie was tackling more flippant material and Bennetts' circus-styled obligato was in some ways more appropriate than had been his predecessors' more subtle accompaniments.

It's all water under the bridge now and it's fair to say that no more than a handful of devotees are still alive to debate this issue. Les was what we got - I need to embrace that.

I'll be 75 the day after tomorrow - I had no inkling that I'd even remember this stuff 60-odd years later but obviously I do!


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