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Kenny B (inactive) BS: Irish Rugby players rape case (84* d) RE: BS: Irish Rugby players rape case 15 Apr 18

I don't respond to things I agree with, so why do you put down things I havnt said.
I only put down what I have seen and experienced as you do
Why do you resort to attempted unfounded insults instead of answering ANY of the questions I asked you?
You have a penchant for giving the answers to questions no one asked and adding attempted insults, That unfortunately means that when you do folks on here say Jims ranting again and any relevant points are ignored.

Good one Raggy a bit of humour is appreciated
I was looking for the old song sung by Allan Breeze of the Billy Cotton band show which contained the lines "ive been thrown out of better joints than this ......." but couldn't find it on YouTube but I get your drift

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