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AllisonA(Animaterra) BS: Are there any English-Americans? (45) RE: BS: Are there any English-Americans? 11 May 18

Jeri nails it, as usual. Me, I'm about 80% English heritage, and a cradle Episcopalian. I drink loose leaf "builder's tea", still prefer literature from the British Isles over most American writing. Oh, and I'm a lapsed morris dancer. I guess I'm English-American, even though it is not a term used here.

Dear Husband identifies as WASP.

AND we both love Cuban food and music, I have done my share of African dancing and drumming and singing, we have friends and relations from every heritage "insert nationality here"-American and otherwise, and we love being part of this wild, wacky, mixed up, colorful* world.

*Unlike the late lamented Katlaughing, however, I don't spell it "colour"

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