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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Richard Robinson Tech: Download from Spotify!! (115* d) RE: Tech: Download from Spotify!! 19 May 18

Sorry about the previous post ...

"What does the average musician make when their work is listened to on Spotify? Does anyone in this thread really know?"

Is a good question. I know a person with music there, he tells me a typical payment for a play from one of the streaming websites is something like 0.4p. There are probably people here who have numbers, does this agree with their experience ?

"So where is the money really going? "

To the people who run the websites ? This is the internet advertising economy - the music on spotify is clickbait to attract eardrums that they can rent to the advertisers, unless they're paid not to.

I have some recordings that will be hitting the Big Wide World shortly, and the above is why I won't be putting them out via the streaming sites. I'll be putting them on bandcamp, who make their money by selling recordings and taking a percentage. From the musician's point of view, this seems a much healthier idea.

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