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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Richard Robinson Lots of new trad folk to hear (Bandcamp) (17) RE: Lots of new trad folk to hear (Bandcamp) 23 May 18

Theres' a coincidence - I've been thinking about this stuff lately, having (finally) come up with some recordings that wanted to be put somewhere (It's an Ill Wind). [Hijacks thread, posts advert, goes silent, creates bad impression of drive-by advertiser - sorry about that, but I'll be out of the door in just a few minutes for the Train Journey North on my way up to the Orkney festival, back next week ...]

The main thing I've thought is that the streaming SpotiFaceTube sites see music as a business expense that cuts into their profits (which come from advertising), so their interests are at odd with ours, whereas Bandcamp takes a cut on our sales, so we're on the same side.

That thing about VAT on downloads is a piss-off, though, I hadn't known about that till I tried to do a test-purchase.

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