The version that Peggy Seeger recorded is from Kyle Davis Jr., "More Traditional Ballads of Virginia" (1960): US & Canada Versions: 90. Jellon Grame I absolutely love Peggy's version, it's fantastic! This ballad is indeed very rare in oral tradition. For the curious, the only existing field recording of Jellon Graeme was made by Dr James Madison Carpenter from the singing of Alexander Robb of New Deer, Aberdeenshire between 1929 and 1935 (the Roud Index doesn't give the exact date). Text: Alex Robb - Jellon Grame Transcription 1st Recording: Alex Robb - Jellon Grame (Disc Recording 1) 2nd Recording: Alex Robb - Jellon Grame (Disc Recording 2) 3rd Recording: Alex Robb - Jellon Grame (Cylinder Recording) It's only the first two stanzas, unfortunately. I wish Carpenter had recorded this (and many other rare pieces) in it's entirety. Alex Robb also sung his version for Gavin Greig in 1907.