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GUEST,Kevin W. Help: The Unfortunate Rake (116* d) RE: Help: The Unfortunate Rake 17 Jun 18

Sorry about that, Jim. I was too fast and jumped to conclusions here.
I read in Tom Munnelly's book "The Mount Callan Garland" that Tom Lenihan learned it from his sister Margaret who lived in America, that's why I assumed it must be an American version.

I does look like all other versions which mention St James Hospital and feature a female protagonist are from America and Canada, though.

Here's one such version, from Mrs. Georgia Ann Griffin of Newberry, Alachua, Florida, originally from Dooly County, Georgia, recorded by John A. Lomax in 1936:
St. James Hospital - Mrs. Georgia Ann Griffin

The tune of Mrs. Griffin's version is actually quite similar to the one that Bert Lloyd used.
I love Bert's version, it gives me goosebumps.

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