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Kenny B (inactive) Lyr Req: Ivan Skavinsky Skivar/Abdul Abulbul Amir (23) RE: Lyr Req: Ivan Skavinsky Skivar/Abdul Abulbul Amir 26 Jun 18

As Sung Byb Roy Hudd

(G) List (G7) to (C) me while I (G) tell you
of the Spaniard who blighted my (C) life
(G) List (G7) to (C) me while I (G) tell you
of the man who pinched my future (C) wife,
(Am)'Twas at the bullfight where we (Em) met him,
We'd been (Am) watching his daring dis (E) play,
And (D7) while I nipped out
for some (G) nuts and a programme,
The (D7) dirty dog stole her a- (G) -way,
Oh Yes, Oh Yes, (G)
But I've (D7) sworn that I'll have my re (G)venge,

(G7) If (When) (C) I catch Alphonso Po- (G) -loni
the torea- (C) -dor,
With one mighty swipe
I'll (G) dislocate his bally (C) jaw,
I'll (Am) nab this bullfighter,
the (Em)blighter I will,
When (Am) I catch the bounder,
the (E) blighter I'll kill,
He shall (C) die, he shall (G) die,
He shall die diddly dei-do, (C) Die, di di (F) di (C) di,
He shall die, he shall die,
And (G) I'll raise a bunion
on his Spanish onion,
If I catch him bending to (C)night,
(G) O -(C) -l?!

Yes, when I catch Pagoni,
He will wish that he'd never been born,
And for this very reason,
my stiletto I've fetched out the pawn,
It cost me 5 shillings to get it,
This expense it has caused me much pain,
But the pawnbroker's promised
when I kill Spigoni,
He'll take it in pawn once again,
Oh Yes, Oh Yes,
so tonight there will be dirty work, ?. Chorus

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