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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,3rdragon Lyr Req: Olden Days, Before the Oceans Rose (9) Lyr Req: Olden Days, Before the Oceans Rose 27 Jul 18

I heard a song about global warming at the Armory Pub Sing in Somerville MA. The singer identified the artist (but did so before singing the song, so of course I didn't write it down). The conceit of the song is that it's told from a future 50 or 100 years in our future, talking about a time before global warming caused sea level rise, and about how good they (we) had it.

I clearly remember that one of the lines of the chorus was "Back in the olden days, before the oceans rose," but periodic Google searches haven't turned anything up. I would appreciate lyrics, tune, song name, artist name, or anything you've got.


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