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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Kenny B (inactive) Why aren't the Corries taken seriously (95* d) RE: Why aren't the Corries taken seriously 13 Aug 18

When i performed the Rose of Allandale at a well known folk club i was asked if it was based on the Corries version to which i replied "no its the brass band version"
This excuse has been used many times when i use the "folk process" and do something slightly differntly from other "Folks"
If anyone else uses tis excuse Ill know where they got it from.

Being from the Edinburgh area with its many military connections I would imagine one of the Corries would have heard it played by pipe, brass or military band in march time and found that "arrangement" more to their style, the sheet music arrangement I have is in 4/4 time and to the melody used by the Corries

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