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GUEST,Bob Coltman Origins:Ain't/Isn't It Grand Boys? (Clancy/Sarony) (29) RE: Origins:Ain't/Isn't It Grand Boys? (Clancy/Sarony) 17 Oct 18

This song, Americanized as "Bloody Well Dead," had a strong and continuing life among hikers and campers in the early 1950s and for many years after. It was a signature song of Bill "Brigger" Briggs, chubber (hiker), skier and songster extraordinaire in the hoots he ran at Jackson Hole's Jenny Lake campground. It began:

Look at poor Grandma, lying in the coffin,
Ain't it grand to be bloody well dead,
Let's not have a sniffle, let's have a bloody good cry, (This line drawn out s-l-o-w)
And always remember the longer you live, the sooner you're going to die. Hey! (sung fast)

I learned it from Brigger. His source was Dick and Beth Best's IOCA Song Fest, an invaluable tune and wordbook that spread many a good song in those years.

Brings back memories. I can almost smell the woodsmoke and taste the Teton Tea (a potent mixture with cheap wine and a kick).


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