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GUEST,Allan Conn The Flower of Scotland (81* d) RE: The Flower of Scotland 13 Feb 19

I wouldn't say that Jacobite songs are almost always anti-English! Anti Hanovarian yes but that is a different thing.

The example you give "Killiecrankie" isn't even not anti-English - it isn't even pro-Jacobite. It is purely descriptive.

Lots of other Jacobite songs or supposed Jacobite songs or Jacobite period songs don't or hardly mention "the English" for instance Bonnie Dundee, Sound The Pibroch, Skye Boat Song, Highland Widow's Lament, Ye Jacobites By Name, Cam ye o'er Frae France, etc etc

Yes there are some old Scottish songs that refer to conflict with England but that is because that is our history. You can't white wash it. Likewise even FOS is clear the conflict is in the past and should remain in the past.

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