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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Andy7 Who Defines 'Folk'???? (287* d) RE: Who Defines 'Folk'???? 14 Feb 19

I think we need a world referendum on the definition of folk music.

Anyone in the world who wishes to, can have their own definition added to the ballot paper. This (perhaps rather long) ballot paper will then be translated into every language in the world.

Then everyone in the world can vote on the definition of folk music which best matches their own preference. (That's if they haven't bothered to submit their own definition to be included on the ballot paper; if they have, they will naturally vote for their own definition ... when they can find it.)

The final result will be ratified by the United Nations, and will be the incontestable definition of folk music for a period of 3 years. After which, a new ballot will be held; after all, both opinions and music change over time.

Ah, the simplest ideas are so often the best!

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