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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
theleveller Where Have all the Folkies Gone (187* d) RE: Where Have all the Folkies Gone 16 Feb 19

Well this ex-folkie has left to get away from the rancid, nit-picking crew with over-inflated egos who have put folk into a straight jacket and aren’t prepared to tolerate anyone enjoying it in a way that deviates from their rigid definitions, thereby squeezing all the joy out of it. Having reached the age of 70, I’ve realised life’s too short and the folk music scene just isn’t fun anymore, so I prefer to spend my valuable time engaging in more pleasurable and life-affirming activities amongst people who are welcoming, friendly, helpful and empathetic (all of which folkies used to be). On the rare occasions when curiosity drives me back to Mudcat to see if anything has changed, I realise the scene is only getting worse and it reaffirms my decision.

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