Greenhorn Song (Larry W Jones 08/31/2019) (song #7590) Come on greenhorn, bring your saddle Keep your head up and use your brains Bring your new spurs, lasso, bridle Cause from now on you’ll ride the plains Keep your eyes on crusty cow hands Old cowboys who can strut their stuff And some day you’ll be in command Play it smart and grow tough enough Come on greenhorn and mount your hoss These old cowboys all know their trade Wranglers, cooks, stockmen and trail boss This working ranch is where they’re made Keep your mind on all the things son That makes a cowboy of renown Make mistakes and you won’t be one And then you’ll let that new wife down Come on greenhorn, watch the branding The Rocking-J will burn rawhide And while they’re down, you be handy A pocket knife makes bulls denied Keep your eye on that red heifer That’s her new calf and she’s got fight Wear those chaps of brand new leather You’ll be riding night herd tonight Come on greenhorn and git with it