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Kingwood Kowboy Songs of the Kingwood Kowboy (145* d) RE: Great Truckin' Songs! 09 Sep 19

Forgotten Down That Lost Highway (Larry W. Jones 04/25/2007) (song#4612)

Hot sunny days and rainy nights
A trucking job is just cheating life
I’m over the road with a heavy load
Wondering about my lonely wife
Forgotten down that lost highway
Watching my dreams fading away
Forgotten down that lost highway
I’m never gonna see a better day

Empty dreams and empty schemes
Truckin’ life ain’t never what it seems
Eighteen wheels on the straightaway
And there ain’t no way to get away
Forgotten down that lost highway
Watching my dreams fading away
Forgotten down that lost highway
I’m never gonna see a better day

Tired and cold, need a run that’s short
But over the road just ain’t that sort
Step on the pedal, big diesel whines
Lookni’ to see them git home signs
Forgotten down that lost highway
Watching my dreams fading away
Forgotten down that lost highway
I’m never gonna see a better day

Kingwood Kowboy

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