Truck Drivers Promenade (Larry W Jones 09/23/2010) (song#6248)
My run was done and I had time to kill Reefer would be loaded at morning light Took a taxi to the top of the hill And went to the truckers barn dance that night
I had gone to the dance to just observe Watching the old country band as they played Then I saw something that rattled my nerves My girl danced the truck drivers promenade
Now my diesel rolls toward the sunset glow I’m not wasting any time on mistakes But when I turn on the old radio They still play the truck drivers promenade
I wonder if she knows the route I’m on With her I guess I didn’t make the grade But that’s alright although I know it’s wrong To still love the truck drivers promenade
Now my diesel rolls toward the sunset glow I’m not wasting any time on mistakes But when I turn on the old radio They still play the truck drivers promenade
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