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Kingwood Kowboy Songs of the Kingwood Kowboy (145* d) RE: Great Truckin' Songs! 09 Sep 19

Freightliner Diner (Larry W Jones 06/19/2019) (song #7541)

Well, I own a little place called the Freightliner Diner
In the middle of somewhere between New York and LA
All the truckers say there ain’t nowhere to stop that’s finer
Than my Freightliner Diner when you’re on that long highway

I heard stories of a railroad that leads to Santa Fe
An old trucker said he wasn’t gonna tell me tall tales
Said he was driving the road beside it the other day
And he was going so fast he blew the train off the rails


Yeah, I own a little place called the Freightliner Diner
In the middle of somewhere between New York and LA
All the truckers say there ain’t nowhere to stop that’s finer
Than my Freightliner Diner when you’re on that long highway

A man came in and took out a little bottle of pills
Said it was concentrated caffeine to keep him awake
They helped a lot when pulling Albuquerque’s Nine Mile Hill
Then he ordered more coffee just for good old goodness sake


Well, I own a little place called the Freightliner Diner
In the middle of somewhere between New York and LA
All the truckers say there ain’t nowhere to stop that’s finer
Than my Freightliner Diner when you’re on that long highway

Old Red Sovine stopped in from the hills of West Virginia
He put a quarter in the jukebox and played Teddy Bear
Del Reeves dropped by on the way to Creole Louisiana
And that’s when the rockin’ Girl On The Billboard filled the air


Yeah, I own a little place called the Freightliner Diner
In the middle of somewhere between New York and LA
All the truckers say there ain’t nowhere to stop that’s finer
Than my Freightliner Diner when you’re on that long highway

One day Boxcar Willie stopped in to say hello to us
Said he barely made it cause he almost ran out of luck
Back down the road he tried to pass a big ‘ol Greyhound bus
Got back in line just in time to miss a runaway truck


Yeah, I own a little place called the Freightliner Diner
In the middle of somewhere between New York and LA
All the truckers say there ain’t nowhere to stop that’s finer
Than my Freightliner Diner when you’re on that long highway

I’ve heard it all from Tom McCall, and old Charley Pride
Moe Bandy, Micky Gilley and more stopped by on their ride
All the truckers say there ain’t nowhere to stop that’s finer
Than my Freightliner Diner when you’re on that long highway

Kingwood Kowboy

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