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Kingwood Kowboy Songs about the Pony Express? (43) RE: Songs about the Pony Express? 20 Oct 19

Pony Express Sad Tale (Larry W. Jones 03/02/2008) (song#5332)

When I rode the Pony Express a long time ago
At one relay station I lingered on my way
My darling, the dearest a cowboy can ever know
Always was waiting, whether it was night or day

In sunshine or winter snow, on dark days or bright
By that relay station, I ne’er would circumvent
In dark of winter, in her window shone a light
To guide my pony along the trail as I went

Oh, the happiness I knew, cowboys, need I tell
A whole year passed on by and not a cloud arose
But listen cowboys to the fate my love befell
And of the grief this cowboy’s heart alone now knows

One dark winter night with snow falling cold and deep
Pony Express bade me ride on the trail alone
My heart was filled with desire, I thought not of sleep
My thoughts were of my darling, of my very own

My ride almost finished, my pony turned aside
His face toward the trail where we so often were found
Then, terror stricken, with a sickened jerk, he shied
With legs a-tremble, my eyes gazed upon the ground

Cold as ice was my heart, hardly knew what I did
Fear was on my face as I looked upon the ground
For there in the snow, by the darkness so well hid
A lifeless body at my pony’s feet was found

I lifted the form up from its mantle of snow
And tenderly carried it from the trail away
Not a wonder of my burden, for I did know
It was my darling, my own, in my arms she lay

This cowboy’s hair is white from passing of the years
I will grieve evermore from what that night befell
Now, cowboys, forgive me, I beg you, for my tears
Please don’t ask again my Pony Express sad tale

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