Jimmie Rodgers Broke The First Country Heart (07/06/2008) (song#5518)
It was the first country dance Song of a country romance A country boy loved a country girl It was the first country song About a love that went wrong In the first honky tonk in the world
It was the first steel guitar And the first crying fiddle And city folks all called it plain dirt It was the first country tune Neath a country harvest moon Before the first country hearts got hurt Jimmie Rodgers broke the first country heart
- instrumental -
It was the first country song About a love that went wrong Played on the first country jukebox jive It was the first country tear Was shed for some country dear First country love that didn't survive
We hear no more his guitar He was the first country star But his songs tear us apart It was the first country song About a love that went wrong Jimmie Rodgers broke the first country heart
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