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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
sciencegeek Lyr Req: I didn't know Nuthin (2) Lyr Req: I didn't know Nuthin 30 Dec 19

driving yesterday evening there was a bluegrass? show on the radio from West Virginia ... no clue the name because reception was spotty.. but I did hear what was announced as a song on a new album and the refrain was I didn't know Nuthin and it focused on how growing up in the 1950-60s period the singer was oblivious to the real social issues going on with race and inequality.. I would love to track down the artist/album because that song really struck a chord... almost as strongly as Phil Och's Love me I'm a Liberal

it fit in so well with an NPR program I'd heard earlier regarding the history of racial tensions going back to the westward expansion... it fit so well with the often stated contention that the civil war was not about slavery... it all about white supremacy and that was what made the cause so attractive to people who would never even be able to own a slave .. just as right wing supporters vote against their own economic self interest because it promised them automatic social superiority

obviously, I have way too much time to think on these drives... lol

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