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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Brimbacombe Whitby folk festival 2020 (34) RE: Whitby folk festival 2020 30 Mar 20

"The "guest" says he/she is going to Whitby regardless.

What sheer bloody arrogance has he/she actually heard and understood to veto on travel."

I said, "as long as we're allowed" we'll be going. If the restrictions are lifted and people are allowed to travel we'll be going to Whitby irrespective of whether the folk festival is on. I feel strongly about the place and would love to support its cafes, hotels, bars and other attractions at what must be a horribly worrying time for them. If the restrictions dictate that we can't go, then we won't. We'll adhere strictly to whatever the government advice is, as we're doing now. I know it's a rubbish time for everyone, but please try not to pick fights without reading the post in full. Hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy.

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