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AllisonA(Animaterra) 2020 Obit: Micca (Michael Patterson) (141* d) RE: 2020 Obit: Micca (Michael Patterson) 19 May 20

Oh, Micca, you were a stalwart friend. From the first time Sinsull brought him to New Hampshire after a Getaway- I was so excited at their arrival I forgot to put sugar in the apple pie I was baking, and he was delighted, because with his diabetes he wasn't supposed to have sugar (we all know how well that went sometimes).

He visited us several more times in my New Hampshire years, and had a special spot on my porch where he delighted in the birds, especially the blue jays. I'll always think of him when the jays come around from now on.

He showed up at Heathrow at 6:30 in the morning when my daughter and I came for a visit in 2005. That was the day of the second subway bombing attempt, which thankfully failed, and he spent two days showing us all over London, took us to C#, to his favorite bakery, bookshop and market. Earlier this year, before the pandemic, I had determined to get back to London as soon as possible, because I had a funny intuition.

Just about a week ago we had a long Skype chat. I remember making a point of saying, "I love you" when we signed off. He called again a few days later, but I wasn't in a place where I could pick up. I'll be sorry about that for a long time.

Go well, dear friend.

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