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weerover Houghton banjo mandolin (76* d) RE: Houghton banjo mandolin 21 Aug 20

I bought a second-hand banjo-mandolin (I think) from my local music shop 30+ years ago and it seemed quite old then. The dealer said he got it from a guy who found it in his late grandfather's loft. The instrument itself has no maker's marks but the case has a plate with the name Rushworth and Dreaper. It is a typical banjo arrangement (skin top and heavy round wooden body) and a fingerboard of around mandolin length. It plays in tune (with mandolin strings and GDAE tuning) but doesn't project a lot of sound or resonance, perhaps absorbed by the mass of wood of the body.

I don't know whether this instrument has any value, though I wouldn't be looking to get rid either way. I do muck around with it occasionally, though I am not much of a musician.I hadn't picked up an instrument of any sort for a year or so after having a stroke, but recently retired and find myself with time on my hands.

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