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GUEST,SB666 Lyr Req: Lullay, lullay, lullay, lullay, .... (5) Lyr Req: Lullay, lullay, lullay, lullay, .... 30 Aug 20

"Lullay, lullay, lullay, lullay, ..." sung by Felicity Joinson on a BBC out-take for Cellar Full Of Folk.

Trying to id. this one please. The word 'lullay' (various spellings) is sung 4 times at the start, and repeated in the song.

This is not the Coventry Carol which starts

"Lullay, lullay, My little tiny child, ..."

The lines seem to come from the Corpus Christy Carol - see

The words as sung seem to include:

"The falcon has borne my mate away"

I have uploaded the file here, its the last song on the recording, ...


Download Link


Text file:

At the Folk Cellar - 27 05 65 Reel 2 of 9 session 8

LFSC 23 - 1 Lyn and Graham McCarthy - The Wild Colonial Boy (Take 2)
LFSC ?? - 2 John Pearce (guitar) - Plaisire D'Amore (Take 1, Take 2)
LFSC ?? - 3 John Pearce (guitar) - Susan (Take 1)
LFSC ?? - 4 John Pearce (guitar) - Green Bushes (Fluff in take 1, take 2 - false start)
LFSC ?? - 5 Felicity Joinson - Till the end of Time (Take 1)
LFSC ?? - 6 Felicity Joinson - Day We Went To Rothsayo (snippet) (Various chat, trial takes)
LFSC ?? - 7 Felicity Joinson - Loulay Loulay Loulay Loulay (Take 1) [Felicity introduces this as 'Mary Hamilton' but this does not seem to be right. It could be the Coventry Carol - Lullay, lullay, My little tiny child, ..." OR it could be from the Corpus Christi Carol which has "Lullay, lullay, lullay, lullay, ..." ??]


Thanks - SB

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