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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Philippa Bees, bees... (26) RE: Bees, bees... 12 Nov 20

has no-one suggested "Let it Bee" yet?

There are tunes dedicated to bees (flight of the bumblebee, etc) and lots of poems

Sylvia Plath wrote a handful of poems about bees

I once did a creative reading and writing course based on bee poems and stories. Many of the participants were bee-keepers. That was where I first heard The Human Bee. But I can't remember the title or author of a very strong poem by an relatively early woman poet telling how her son played imaginary soldiers with the hive in the garden, and how the bees swarmed when, as an adult, he fell in battle (battle of Montrose?).

It's not included in this list, but there is a poem called The Song of the Bee.

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