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GUEST,John Bowden (not a typo!) Origins: Doffin Mistress/Doffing Mistress (18) RE: Lyr Req: Doffin Mistress/Doffing Mistress 22 Jan 21

Hi Reinhard, Ray is talking about Tom Brown and his wife Bertha (I don't know which is the correct spelling of her maiden name I'm afraid!) . Here's some information about him: Tom Brown and details of The Smacksman here: The Smacksman. Ray is right about Frankie Armstrong adding Bertha's name to "The Doffing Mistress" . Tom was a very unassuming singer with an interesting repertoire of East Anglian songs -he did a lot of fundraising for the Caister lifeboat which apparently wasn't affiliated to the RNLI. I didn't know them very well, but I'm sure some other mudcatters will be able to contribute more details - I believe Tom and Barbara Brown knew them, and were sometimes confused with them! John

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